Gary Troutman
Village Of Sardinia Council Member
Commences: 1/1/2024 | Expires: 12/31/2027 | Next Election: 11/2/2027
I am running for member of council in the village of Sardinia as a write-in candidate and would appreciate your vote anytime from now until election day on November 7, 2023. Please share this with your friends and neighbors. You can vote for me as a write-in candidate for the Village Of Sardinia For Member of Council where a blank line appears with “Write-in” below the line. On voting machines, tap on the space, and a keyboard will appear. Voters are not given a list of official write-in candidates, but you can ask election officials and they will provide a list. If you would like to vote for me you can type in my name, Gary Troutman, on the voting machine or write my name on an absentee ballot and darken the oval. |